Friday, September 2, 2011

Standing on My Head: Clint Eastwood and Jesus

Standing on My Head: Clint Eastwood and Jesus:

"Jesus as a girly man is what Mgr. Charles Pope writes about here. He's right. Jesus in the sixties and seventies became a limp-wristed hippie peace and love type of guy. It reminds us that too often we re-make Jesus in our own image."

"I guess because I was brought up in a fundamentalist church with preachers who knew how to 'shoot the gospel gun' and call sinners to repentance and preached about the wickedness of "them long haired hippie types with their tight blue jeans and rock and roll music" that I was never really attracted to the Jesus of Godspell and Jesus Christ Superstar. I always saw Jesus as a loner--a prophetic, even vengeful character a bit like some of Clint Eastwood's characters--maybe the preacher in Paler Rider.  He was the squinty eyed Jesus--eyeing up his enemies and dispatching them with a well chosen pithy comment. "Let the dead bury their dead" or "Render unto Caesar what is Caesar's and unto God what is God's" are sharp and edgy."

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