Friday, March 5, 2010

Parable of the Fig Tree

By Andy Chambers, Pensacola, Fla. - St. Paul

This Sunday's gospel (Lk 13:1-9) we find Jesus being asked a question regarding the people of two separate events of recent deaths. One event is where Pilate had a group of Galileans slaughtered in Temple while making sacrifice. The other group is of 18 people being crushed to death when a tower unexpectedly collapsed. The crowd wanted to know which of the two groups were the worse sinners because of the way they died. Jesus answered them that neither were worse, but that if they themselves did not repent, they too would die.

Then to help, Jesus gives them a parable of a fig tree, the vineyard owner, and the vinedresser who takes care of the trees.

The fig tree has not given fruit for 3 years, the vineyard owner sees this and decided he wants to cut down the tree and plant a new one. The vinedresser steps in and pleads for one more year, he says he will take extra special care to fertilize it, and if after another year it does not bear fruit, then the owner can cut it down.

God is the Owner, Jesus the vinedresser, you and I are the fig tree. When we bear no fruit, God turns his eyes from us. It hurts Him to see us sin. Jesus steps in to intervene on our behalf, even though we don't rightly deserve His love. Even after years of sinning, and turning away from God, Jesus pleads to care for us and watch over us sinners. But if we don't repent, then eventually we will die, and perish, and not enjoy the fruits of Heaven and God's loving presence.

Only God knows when it is our time to go. Don't wait to repent for those sins, don't wait to turn away from out sinful ways, don't wait to return to God and accept his loving forgiveness. Take the time to say you are sorry. Be a man. God wants us to be guilt-free, and sin-free, to love one another, and to above all, Love thy Lord with all our hearts.

"Lord, creator and savior, you have given us all. Help us to appreciate your desire for us to be men of God, and to not waste any time to be in your good graces. Keep us free from all sin, and to do your will." Amen

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