Monday, January 2, 2012

Our Lady of Fatima, Kazan, Soufanieh and Walsingham: Busy Lady!


Over the New Year’s weekend, I read about the apparitions of Our Lady of Soufanieh, to a woman in Damascus, Syria, beginning in 1982. Our Lady has appeared to a Melkite Catholic woman named Myrna Nazzour, wife of a Syrian Orthodox man named Nicholas Nazzour. They live in a neighborhood of Damascus, not far from where St. Paul was converted, called Soufanieh, hence the title Our Lady of Soufanieh.

I first learned of Marian apparitions when I read a book about Our Lady of Fatima
some 30 years ago. In 1917, she appeared  to the three children in Fatima, Portugal, and the story of those apparitions left a lasting impression on me. In fact, just prior to Christmas, I reread Fr. Apostoli’s excellent book, Fatima for Today.

Perusing the Internet over the holidays, I stumbled across YouTube videos of Myrna Nazzour receiving the stigmata while in ecstasy. The videos were part of a video documentary put together by Rick Salbato of Unity Publishing. The documentary has the Imprimater of the Roman Catholic Archbishop of Damascus.

Testimonials to the authenticity of the phenomenon at Soufanieh have come from bishops and patriarchs of Catholic and Orthodox churches.  

Looking for additional information on Myrna, I found a book on Our Lady of Soufanieh at the Fatima Family Apostolate International website, authored by the late Fr. Robert J. Fox, and published in 2002. This is the book I read over the New Year’s weekend. I’m quite impressed with how active Our Lady is in our world.

The Soufanieh miracles began in 1982, when pure olive oil began to exude from a small icon of Our Lady of Kazan in the home of Nicholas and Myrna Nazzour. Olive oil also began to exude from the palms of Myrna’s hands. Our Lady indicated to Myrna that her home should be open to the faithful and it has ever since. She and Nicholas’ home is always open to the faithful and all are welcome into their home to venerate the icon.

So, what is the message Our Lady and Jesus conveyed to Myrna? She and Jesus communicate with Myrna while she experiences ecstasy during their apparitions to her. They ask for Unity. They want unity of Christians, beginning with the unification of the Catholic and Orthodox churches.

Who wouldn't want that? Unfortunately, there are many who want unity, but only on their own terms.

And speaking of Unity, this brings me to the news of January 1st, on which date Pope Benedict XVI, established a home for U.S. Anglicans and Episcopalians, that wish unity with the Roman Catholic Church, but wish to retain distinctive elements of their theological, spiritual, and liturgical patrimony. The new home is called the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of St. Peter.

By the way, the ordinariate is under the protection of Our Lady of Walsingham.

Our Lady sure stays busy!

Rob Moreland is the Communications Director for the Men of St. Joseph.

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