Friday, July 23, 2010

Novena to Our Lady of Sorrows

All are asked to participate in this novena prayer regarding the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico.

Most holy and afflicted Mother, Queen of Martyrs, you stood beneath the cross and witnessed the agony of your dying Son. Look down with tenderness and pity on us as we mediate on your sorrows and place our request in the sanctuary of your wounded heart. To whom shall we have recourse in our needs and wants if not to you, mother of mercy, who drank so deeply of the chalice of your Son? To whom shall we turn if not to you, mother of sorrows, who shared in the sorrows of your Son from birth to death?

The Father who chose you to be the mother of his Son allowed the sword of sorrow to pierce you through. In the immensity of the sorrows you suffered, help us to persevere and bear patiently with our present sorrow.
Bless those who struggle today to stop the oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico and to repair the damages caused by this crisis. Protect them from harm, inspire them with creativity and ingenuity, and grant to them perseverance and fortitude in this grave hour of need.

Bless the natural creation -birds, fish, wildlife, plants, large and small- protect them from harm, lead them to healing and safety, defend them from pollution of land and water. May the natural creation of the Gulf of Mexico and its coastal regions flourish again in wholeness and fertility.

Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for all who have lost their jobs and livelihoods during this time of grave crisis. Help the helpless, strengthen the fearful, comfort the sorrowful, and bring justice to the communities of the Gulf of Mexico. Give strength to stand against the demonic powers which prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Lord, at your Passion, as Simeon foretold, a sword of sorrow pierced the soul of the blessed Virgin Mary, your Mother. Grant in your mercy that we who reverently recall her sorrows may reap the blessed fruits of Your Passion. You who are God, living and reigning with the Father, in the unity of the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

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