Thursday, March 18, 2010

Parable of the Adulterous Woman

By Andy Chambers, Pensacola, Fla.. - St. Paul

The Good News this Sunday is from John 8:1-11, and the familiar story of Jesus telling the Pharisees to go ahead and stone the adulterous woman if they are free from sin. We all know this story, how Jesus was put on the spot by the Pharisees trying to trick him into going against religious tradition in regards to this adulterous woman. Law dictates that this woman should be stoned to death for her sin. Jesus put it back on them by saying "Let him who is without sin among you, be the first to throw a stone at her." We know they all went away and did not stone her because they were all guilty of sin, and their consciences wouldn't allow them to pass judgement on her this way. Jesus then turned to the woman and told her that her sinful ways must stop. He asked "Has no one condemned you? Neither do I condemn you; go, and do not sin again."

WOW! God forgives us that easily. He only asks that we don't sin again. It amazes me. I have sinned against God, and I have had trouble letting some of those sins go from my past, but Jesus doesn't give it another thought as long as we are sorry and we won't sin again. Don't dwell on the past and old sins, focus on the new life that Christ offers us.

I need to learn that lesson from Jesus, to forgive others, not to dwell on their sins. If God won't hold a grudge, why should I? Who am I to not let go?

Should we live our lives focused on past sins and death, or live with Jesus and the eternal life and happiness that comes with his love?

This week in Lent, let us focus on not sinning again. Let's plead for God's forgiveness, seek His Love He has for us, and follow his way as a true disciple. We are men, and we are fathers, and our families look to us as examples of how to be. As St. Joseph was Jesus' earthly father, showing him love, and Jesus showed a sinful woman Love, let's show our family love and forgiveness.

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